AFC Industries Acquires California Aerospace Fastener Distributor

The deal is the company’s second so far this year.

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AFC Industries announced Monday that it has acquired Meg Technologies Inc., a Southern California distributor of fasteners to the aerospace industry.

AFC officials said the deal bolsters its position in the aerospace sector, as well as adds a company with both a renowned workforce and strong relationships with customers and suppliers alike. MTI provides military-standard aerospace fasteners to OEMs, Pentagon contractors, maintenance facilities and other aerospace distributors.

“Putting these two businesses together strengthens them both,” AFC CEO Kevin Godin said in the announcement. “We look forward to working together toward shared success.”

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MTI officials, meanwhile, said the combination would provide new opportunities for its team.

“We have spent many years building our business around  providing excellent quality and service to our customers, and it was important to find a partner that understood and valued what has made us successful and would build on it,” Tammy Buck, the company’s owner and president, said in the statement.

Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

AFC, an Ohio-based distributor of fasteners and C-Class components, has pursued a strategy of aggressive merger and acquisition activity in recent years. It acquired seven companies last year alone, and the MTI deal marks its second this year after adding Philadelphia-based Globe International in March.

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