Optimas Solutions Joins AWESOME A-List Alliance

The group aims to bring together senior women leaders in the supply chain industry.

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WOOD DALE, Ill. — Optimas Solutions, a global industrial manufacturer/distributor and supply chain solutions provider, announced Monday that it joined the AWESOME A-List Alliance as an Accelerator sponsor.

Founded in 2013, AWESOME was created to advance and transform the future of supply chain leadership by bringing together senior women leaders in the supply chain industry for connecting, learning, collaboration, recognition and inspiration.

The AWESOME Accelerator Sponsorship provides meaningful ways to advance women’s leadership. With more than 1,500 members in supply chain roles, across a broad spectrum of organizations, AWESOME’s reach extends to leaders throughout the supply chain, the business community and beyond. 

“We are very pleased to be an Accelerator Sponsor with AWESOME,” said Heather Skiba, vice president of operations at Optimas. “It is important for senior women executives in the supply chain industry to support future innovators. The fact that we have senior executives here who are members, and embody and embrace the qualities of AWESOME, compelled us to be more supportive of the AWESOME movement. We are eager to take part in the educational and mentorship opportunities that AWESOME provides.”

Key women executives at Optimas who members of are AWESOME include Skiba, Gaby Gallegos, vice president of quality, and Kelly Billings, senior director of the program management office.

“Heather, Gaby and Kelly are true champions of AWESOME’s mission to advance women leaders and transform the future of supply chain leadership,” said Daniel Harms, Americas president of Optimas. “We have seen the benefits of their ideas and innovation throughout our organization as these great champions mentor and cultivate other professionals in our company.”

“We are proud to partner with a sponsor like Optimas, who has earned a reputation for excellence in the supply chain industry,” said Michelle Dilley, CEO of AWESOME. “Optimas has demonstrated their commitment to AWESOME’s mission of advancing and transforming the future of supply chain by placing AWESOME women leaders in strategic roles within their organization. We are delighted to have Optimas as one of our newest Accelerator sponsors, and look forward to deepening our relationship in the future.”

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