Getting Ahead of Tail Spend

Every original equipment manufacturer (OEM) has to deal with tail spend —that 20 or so percent of low priority or inefficient purchases that deliver little or no value to the final product. For distributors, an inventory of tail spend items is commonly managed using a bin system. Despite the rapid rise of automation technology in warehousing and inventory management, the replenishment process for tail spend items is usually manual, requiring a salesperson or technician to physically count customers’ bins before refilling them. But an area where automation looks to be a new game-changer is in inventory management. Download this white paper to learn more.

Apex Supply Chain Technologies
Apex Supply Chain Technologies

Every original equipment manufacturer (OEM) has to deal with tail spend —that 20 or so percent of low priority or inefficient purchases that deliver little or no value to the final product. For distributors, an inventory of tail spend items is commonly managed using a bin system. Despite the rapid rise of automation technology in warehousing and inventory management, the replenishment process for tail spend items is usually manual, requiring a salesperson or technician to physically count customers’ bins before refilling them. But an area where automation looks to be a new game-changer is in inventory management. Download this white paper to learn more.
