As Industrial Distribution gears up for another exciting year of editorial, we’d like to ask your help on a special 2012 kick-off segment:
Each year, our Big 50 List is the most widely read section of the magazine—and with good reason. It’s a great way to showcase the biggest names in distribution, along with brief recaps of what these companies have accomplished over the past year. But we found ourselves wondering… what about the companies that almost make it onto The Big 50 List? Don’t these companies also deserve some recognition and the opportunity to showcase their accomplishments?
With this in mind, Industrial Distribution is introducing The Big 50 Watch List.
Has your company come close to the revenue cut-offs ($86 million in annual sales this year) for the The Big 50, but not quite made the list? If so, we’d like to know who you are and what you’ve been up to. Send an email to [email protected] by November 25th with the subject line “Watch List,” and we’ll respond with a few questions about your organization. To reiterate: This is not for Big 50 companies; this is a chance for those climbing the ranks to explain why they deserve some acknowledgement too.
The companies we feel are “the ones to watch” this year will be featured in the January/February 2012 issue of Industrial Distribution magazine.
Thanks, as always, for your involvement in the magazine—
Anna Wells
Executive Editor
Industrial Distribution