NIBA/PTDA Joint Summit To Be Held As Scheduled, Sept. 27-30 In Hollywood, FL

Hollywood, FL's Diplomat Beach Resort — the host hotel for the NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit, was spared Hurricane Irma's wrath and is ready to host member participants from both the Belting Association and Power Transmission Distributors Association (PTDA) on Sept. 27-30 as scheduled.

Id 32804 Ptda Nima
Id 32805 Ptda Nima

MADISON, WI and CHICAGO — Over the weekend, Hurricane Irma caused much damage across the Caribbean and up Florida's west coast. Our thoughts are with those who were affected by this catastrophic storm.


Fortunately, The Diplomat Beach Resort, the host hotel for the NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit, was spared Irma's wrath and is ready to host member participants from both NIBA-The Belting Association and Power Transmission Distributors Association (PTDA) in Hollywood, FL, on September 27-30.

Conversations with the management at The Diplomat as well as other people in the area have generated confidence for a spectacular experience for participants. Although the hotel did sustain some minor damage, primarily in landscaping, restoration crews are already at work. The hotel maintained power throughout the storm so all services are up and running.

We are delighted to be able to welcome all NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit participants to Hollywood, FL.

In 2017, NIBA—The Belting Association and the Power Transmission Distributors Association (PTDA) are combining all that’s best about the NIBA Annual Convention and the PTDA Industry Summit into a new one-time joint event. The NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit will be held September 27-30 at The Diplomat Beach Resort in Hollywood, Florida. Volunteers from NIBA and PTDA are working to create a truly unique networking and education event for members, with much more information being made available through 2017 at

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