CHICAGO — The Power Transmission Distributors Association will convene for the PTDA 2022 Industry Summit in Nashville on Oct. 27-29.
With more than 500 delegates in the power transmission/motion control industry expected to attend, representing over 200 PTDA distributor and manufacturer companies, the Industry Summit — themed, “Amp Up” — will offer cross-channel networking, shared learning and collaborative experiences.
“Nashville is a city radiating with energy and I’m excited for PTDA to capitalize on its momentum during the 2022 Industry Summit,” said PTDA President JP Bouchard, the vice president of General Bearing Service Inc. “This year’s program has been ‘amped up’ to provide even greater value to attendees, offering more opportunities for business engagement and growth. With dynamic presentations delivering key insights on our challenges like workforce recruitment and the ever-changing economy, the industry’s top PT/MC executive will walk away with not just information, but actionable takeaways.”
New for 2022, the signature event of the PTDA Industry Summit – the Manufacturer-Distributor Idea Exchange (MD-IDEX) – has been increased to two days. MD-IDEX is a time- and cost-effective forum bringing together distributor and manufacturer executives for high-level discussions on market strategies and issues. Distributor and manufacturer members alike laud MD-IDEX as one of the best face-to-face cross-channel business programs with a measurable ROI for participants.
Well-respected industry thought leaders will offer keynote presentations, beginning with economist Dr. Alan Beaulieu, an Industry Summit favorite. The founder and president of ITR Economics, Beaulieu will address the ever-evolving post-pandemic business landscape and highlight opportunities for PT/MC companies to seize and challenges to avert.
Two sessions presented by PT WORK Force, an initiative of the PTDA Foundation, will address ways employers can circumvent forces hindering their efforts to attract and retain top talent. Risha Grant, founder and CEO of Risha Grant LLC, will share unconventional methods to tap into a rich market of dynamic and diverse candidates to foster an energized workforce-focused program and environment. In the second session, a panel discussion featuring career services directors from local schools and technical programs will offer guidance on how to engage young, ambitious students before they hit the marketplace as job seekers.
As the closing keynote, former NFL quarterback Joe Theismann will relay how individuals and organizations committing to a positive mental outlook and vision can tackle any obstacles blocking their success.
Additional networking opportunities abound at the PTDA 2022 Industry Summit. From gatherings of the PTDA Women in the Industry (WITI) and Next Gen groups, to receptions and networking lunches, to an exclusive Closing Event hosted at Nashville’s iconic Wildhorse Saloon, participants will reap content and connections.
For more information, visit ptda.org/IndustrySummit. Those registering before Aug. 25 will receive a $100 discount.