The monthly Economic Indicator Report (EIR) from the Industrial Supply Association showed that 2013 ended on a positive note for ISA members, but growth was at a slightly slower pace.
The ISA Manufacturer Index declined from 62.0% in November to 58.9% in December, while the Distributor Index decreased from 58.5% in November to 55.2% in December. For each index, a reading above 50% indicates expansion, while a reading below 50% indicates contraction.
“The ISA Economic Indicator Index remained in positive territory for all 12 months of 2013,” said John Buckley, ISA executive vice president. “It was a good year for our members, even though growth slowed somewhat at the tail end of the year. The Anticipated Business Conditions Index and the Anticipated New Orders Index for both manufacturers and distributors point to more positive things to come as we enter 2014.”
For the complete report, go to For additional information contact John Buckley at [email protected] or 718-423-2113.
The Industrial Supply Association is the leading association for members of the maintenance, repair, operations and production (MROP) supply chain, representing nearly 1,000 companies worldwide.