A.L.P. Purchases Sur-Seal Optical Molding Assets

The deal will expand its optical silicone molding capabilities.

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NILES, Ill. — A.L.P. has expanded its industry-leading optical silicone molding capabilities by purchasing molding machines and other key assets from Sur-Seal LLC.

The equipment is installed in the Charlevoix, Michigan, facility and is operational. As a result, A.L.P. will have six presses capable of molding liquid silicone rubber in Charlevoix and has plans to expand the technology to its Monterrey, Mexico, facility in fiscal year 2023. Sur-Seal, in turn, will turn its focus to the core business of producing silicone gaskets.

“A.L.P. sees a great future in optical silicone molding for LED outdoor, industrial and automotive lighting applications,” said Tom Barnes, vice president and business unit manager. “The opportunity to cooperate with Sur-Seal in this equipment transfer, as they transition out of LSR optics, puts A.L.P. in a strong position to fulfill that emerging demand."

A.L.P.’s tie-barless molding machines have advanced production features, including a built-in conveyor, ERC robot, electro servo injection and coining technology. The company can currently mold silicone parts up to 200 square inches. Precision silicone equipment, combined with tooling and optical engineering expertise, allows A.L.P. to quickly take projects from concept to production.

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