Fast Cure Thermal Barrier And Corrosion Prevention Coating

It was created for the insulation of pipes, tanks, and equipment to reduce energy costs and insulate components with a liquid thermal barrier . . .

Naples, FL - Nansulate® Diamond fast cure insulation and corrosion prevention coating by Industrial Nanotech, Inc. was created for insulation of pipes, tanks, and equipment to reduce energy costs and insulate components with a liquid thermal barrier. It can be sprayed onto valves, cookers, chilled water pipes, and other previously difficult to insulate surfaces. Nansulate is easily applied with a paint sprayer, brush or roller while equipment is either in service or down for maintenance. This opaque, pebbled finish coating is water-based, non-toxic, and low voc. Insulate surfaces from -40F to 400F, including steam pipes, boilers, chilled pipes, heat exchangers, ovens, and more. Applies directly to metal with superior corrosion prevention abilities. Durable finish stands up well to humid environments. The short cure time of 2-10 days allows for a fast return to service for low or high temperature equipment, and almost immediate insulating results. Lowers energy consumption, reduces surface temperature for worker safety and lowers heat emitted into the environment by hot equipment. Short return on investment, typically 1 year or less, with average reported energy savings of 20 percent.

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