HD Supply Facilities Maintenance (San Diego, CA) was recently honored with the 2011 Marble Award (First Place) in the large company category of the Workplace Excellence Awards, presented by the San Diego Chapter of the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM). The Workplace Excellence Awards recognize San Diego companies demonstrating exceptional human resources practices which contribute to both company performance and employee satisfaction.
“This Marble Award is particularly special since one of our associates felt so strongly about the company and was inspired to submit a nomination,” said Anesa Chaibi, president and CEO of HD Supply Facilities Maintenance.
To be considered for an award, a company must be nominated by one of its employees. From all of the employee nominations received across San Diego, only 61 companies were invited by SHRM to complete a comprehensive application.
HD Supply Facilities Maintenance’s submission focused on its associate growth success story of the past year. The company’s strategic growth plan and talent development initiatives that focus on creating a premier talent brand were also focal points in HD Supply Facilities Maintenance earning the Marble Award.
“There were some outstanding local companies competing for the Workplace Excellence Award,” said Mara Strandlund, the company’s vice president of Human Resources. “The award really recognizes our associate development platform and initiatives that we apply across our entire business, such as providing 360 degree feedback for managers and our university relations and learning programs.”
“We have an exceptional team of associates within our company,” Chaibi added. “We deliver to our fullest potential, as a business and to our customers, when our team delivers to their greatest potential as individuals working together as one team focused on customer satisfaction.”