On My Honor

It is the “everyday” moments that truly define our character. It is how we lead our lives when nobody is looking.  No glory, no awards, no accolades, just life . . .

Id 488 Higgins Eagle Scout 004
The following blog is an entry from Mark Higgins, VP Managing Director, Industrial Supply Division of Affiliated Distributors. This is his first blog entry on the recently launched AD website. To view the original entry, clicke here. Make sure to leave your comments in the discussion field below.
It is the “everyday” moments that truly define our character. It is how we lead our lives when nobody is looking.  No glory, no awards, no accolades, just life.  This is just one of the life lessons I have learned through my scouting career. 

My journey with the scouts began with me volunteering as the “Tiger Club Den Leader” for my son’s Cub Scout troop back in 1999.  Many of the beliefs, values, traditions and lessons I have learned from scouts, have been able to link to other parts of my life.  A few that impact me on a regular basis are citizenship and how I engage with others.

In my career at Affiliated Distributors, as a parent and as a spouse the values and lessons I have learned from scouting have served me well. Appyling these scouting values has helped me achieve successes while also creating making many special friendships. 

Perhaps this is why, after 14 years, I have continued to be an adult scout leader as an Assistant Scoutmaster in Troop 112 of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Scouting offers me principles and values that I use every day to do a better job for Affiliated Distributors, our customers, our partners and our industry. 

At every meeting or scouting event, scouts and leaders recite the Pledge of Allegiance, the Scout Oath and the Scout Law.  

Scout Oath
On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.

Scout Law
A Scout is:
Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful,
Friendly, Courteous, Kind,
Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty,
Brave, Clean, Reverent

Weekly, I am reminded of what a great country we are lucky to live in, the sacrifices of many to preserve our freedoms, and the responsibility we have to honor the values of the constitution and founding fathers in our everyday lives.

“To help other people at all time” and be “helpful, friendly and courteous” are elements of scouting that I try to practice in all phases of my life – personally and professionally.

I couldn’t be more proud of the fact that my son (pictured above) is an Eagle Scout; and he continues his scouting career by working at a reservation in the summer.  The events, values, training and discipline our son learned in Boy Scouts remains a strong positive influence on his life today as a college student and responsible young man.

Our troop’s motto is “enjoy the journey.”  The scouting journey that started with being an active parent has enriched my life and continues to positively impact me.   

Whatever your journey is, take full advantage of life’s experiences.  Have you found inspiration in an unexpected place? I would love to hear about it in the comments section below. 
