This past week was relatively light on major news, so it was a trio of thought-leadership articles that were big items. And with our 2017 Big 50 List set to begin unveiling next Thursday, our 2016 list has seen a sudden surge in traffic.
Here's this week's Top 5
Report - Grainger Consolidating 2 Chicago Suburb Offices, Moving 500 Employees To HQ: Grainger is reportedly closing two northwest Chicago suburb locations that will shift about 500 employees to its nearby headquarters in Lake Forest, IL. The moves are in line with the company's overall plan to considerably cut operating costs across its footprint.
The Top Five Misconceptions About Pricing: Supposedly, the second-most important factor to improving shareholder value is strategic pricing. Yet, it’s often the last bastion of guesswork in B2B, riddled with commonly-held misconceptions and myths.
The 2016 Industrial Distribution Big 50 List: We'll unveil our 2017 Big 50 List with a three-part video countdown that begins next Thursday. With that less than a week away, our 2016 list has had an influx of traffic this past week.
How To Save The Life Of A Tradeshow Sales Lead: With a slew of industrial supply-oriented tradeshows coming up between now and November, take a look everything involved with getting the most ROI from attending/exhibiting at those events.
Top KPIs That Every Distributor Should Be Tracking: As a distributor, if you aren't paying attention to key performance indicators, you could be missing out on a significant opportunity to improve competitiveness and profitability. Here, MITS' Annie Eissler discusses the specific KPIs you should be tracking.