Take ID's 2017 Salary Survey!

It's time again for ID's Salary Survey, which we'll use to make our upcoming Annual Salary Report. Featured in our July/August print and digital editions and as online articles, the completely anonymous survey results will analyze the latest trends in industrial distribution pay and benefits, showing how your overall compensation package compares with your industry peers. Take the survey now! We pull the results on Thursday.

Dear Industrial Distribution Reader:

We’d like to ask your participation in a quick survey to help us assemble an upcoming feature. The Industrial Distribution Annual Salary Report — scheduled for the July/August print and digitial issue of our magazine — will analyze the latest trends in industrial distribution pay and benefits, showing how your overall compensation package compares with your industry peers. The results will be divided into three groups: Executives, middle management, and sales/sales management. Along with the print and digital editions, the results for each group will be posted as online articles on inddist.com and in our daily newsletters.

View the results for last year's Salary Report here:

This completely anonymous survey will not ask for your name, contact information, or company affiliation.

Click here to begin the survey! We pull the results on Thursday.
