Rugged Tablets Will Keep You
from Getting Trapped:
How to Formulate the Best-Fitting Mobility Solution for Your
Manufacturing Environment
Did you know that mobility solutions
are often “compromised” with
a one-vendor solution?
Don’t walk into the trap...
Change is scary. But it’s also constant. And Industry 4.0 is
coming. (That’s a fact, not conjecture.) As a manufacturer,
you know planning is everything. But so is agility. That’s
why you’re investing in a set of tech tools – “a survival
pack” – right? Like three-quarters of your peers, you’re
probably using, or plan to use, mobile technology to boost
operational excellence. After all, you’ve been promised
that it will protect your operation’s livelihood amidst
fluctuating market conditions, increasing competition, and
evolving customer demands.
Plus, it’s hard to feel both safe and secure when you’re
spending all your time trying to makeshift solutions amidst
rapidly shifting supply chain dependencies. It’s also hard
to get ahead of the curve when you’re always behind. So
• Weigh your options: A bundled single-vendor
package vs. an unbundled, custom-built solution
comprised of best-in-class components.
• Consider the costs: You don’t need to waste time or
money on something that’s too disruptive or creates
more downtime.
• Try your best to figure out which solutions
provider is really trustworthy: You need a
competitive advantage, not to find yourself constantly
compromising on capabilities.
At the end of the day, you just need mobile technologies
that work better for you and your workers. You need
hardware that can collect accurate data and make it
easily accessible to all workers in real-time. And you need
software that can analyze and normalize the massive
volumes of data from all input systems (mobile, IoT,
automation, etc). In other words, you expect your mobile
solution to “effectively transform the aggregated data into
performance-improving information.”
But what many technology providers won’t tell you is that
single-vendor bundled solutions – the ones that are pre-
packaged with “highly compatible” hardware, software,
accessory, and security components – will quickly fail to
meet your cost, performance, and longevity expectations.
They’re not compatible with future technology platforms
and, therefore, not adaptive to change. Bundled solutions
providers simply don’t have the flexibility to be innovative,
or the motivation to sync their product lifecycles with yours.
You know what else isn’t adaptive to change? Your
workers. They have things to do. They don’t have time to
print up and sift through outdated paper reports or stop
the production line every time a device fails, or move
around the shop floor accessing multiple PC systems. And
they sure don’t have time to learn complex tech systems.
They may be out the door before you can even on-board
them. They just need a single, easy to use mobile PC at
their fingertips – either on foot or forklift – that delivers
relevant, real-time data all day. Does that describe your
current solution?
So, let’s be honest: How Prepared Are You Really to Not
Only Survive Today’s Increasing Manufacturing Demands
but Thrive during your Mandatory Transition to More
Technologically-Driven Operations?
There’s a clear cut process for designing
a workable mobility solution that
meets “best-in-class” standards
1 Determine the business challenge(s) and goal(s).
2Decide which workflows to mobilize to improve business processes.
3 Develop a technology architecture foundation that includes hardware, software, security and
performance requirements.
4Examine digital assets to ensure they really are delivering the right information, at the right time,
to the right device.
5 Build a team of manufacturing experts. Not just mobile tech providers.
6Consider the TCO and the long-term ROI. $$$
And it starts with being honest about your challenges
and defining clear cut goals. (complete the checklist on the next page)
®Challenges Goals
I’m not confident current end-of-life PC
platforms can hold out before something bad
The OS we’re currently running isn’t
compatible with our other integrated systems
anymore. (We need to move past Windows
CE – and fast.)
Every time my fixed terminal PC needs to be
serviced, my forklift goes out of service.
I have several “300-pound two-year-olds”
pounding on device screens when they
don’t work properly.
I need a mobile PC that can run my
homegrown software without any re-writing
If I don’t replace the outdated forklift-mounted
PCs then we can’t upgrade our servers
and we’ll continue running a non-compliant
system. (I need to find a solution before we
get fined.)
What’s Compelling You to Replace Your Current Mobility Solution?
What Criteria Will Define Your Success?
My boss is really pushing for an off-the-shelf
device that may or may not fit our business
We need a mobility system that can be
locked down (I need flexibility to assign
better security policies before we suffer a
Our current technology vendor isn’t returning
my calls or responsive to my evolving needs.
Come in on budget – or better, under
budget– for the entire mobility solution.
(Not just hardware.)
Be systematic about our new technology
integrations to ensure there are no issues.
• Define a clear OS migration path.
• Execute a smooth integration with ERP
Change as little as possible for workers.
(The faster I can secure their buy-in, the
greater the ROI.)
Find a better fitting screen for the forklifts so
workers can actually see around them.
Ensure that our new mobile PCs can survive
our workers’ heavy hands.
Ensure that the devices won’t fail due to
extreme temperatures, vibrations or humidity
Pick a mobility partner that will provide
quality support and service when needed.
(I know even the most rugged devices are
bound to break based on how my workers
abuse them.)
Protect my reputation with my bosses and
colleagues, and our company’s reputation
with supply chain partners and customers.
(In other words, deploy a performance-
enhancing solution.)
Improve worker productivity and efficiency
while saving the company money.
Next, take time to analyze business processes, find ways to
improve productivity and remove waste.
®Ask yourself: Is your mobile solution...
The second step in a mobile strategy is
analyzing business processes, finding ways
to improve productivity and removing waste.
or Changing Too
Accelerating You
towards Automation
or Preventing You
from Excelling as a
Paperless Facility?
Used to Refine Planning,
Capitalize on New
Technologies and
Streamline Processes? Or
Just Making Everything
More Complex?
Your current mobile solution is incompatible
with your environment.
“If you don’t want to get stuck with same results, don’t keep making the same choices.”
If your current mobile computing solution
is not enabling you to...
Continue on for tips on how to build a best-in-class mobility solution that
provides you with a solid, yet flexible foundation for advancing your
technology architectures and your business goals.
Collect data for
Manage parts
installation and
Monitor the
production line,
manage pick to
light, and
Track inventory
and assets,
Connect with
machinery for
maintenance and
every rugged
workflow in
®Ready to build a best-in-class mobility
solution that meets every one of your
hardware, software, security, performance
and accessory requirements today?
And won’t leave you with regret in the future?
Then examine all digital assets to ensure they really
are delivering the right information, at the right time,
to the right device.
Just because you seem to get more “tools” in a bundled solution doesn’t mean that you’re
getting the single right tool that can support every worker and every specialized workflow.
Look for rugged tablets that provide the
complete mobility, connectivity, and real-time
intelligence you require to sustain rigorous
plant maintenance, inspection, and quality
control operations with ease.
Ensure those same rugged tablets also provide
the precisely optimized forklift-mounted solution
that logistics managers need to improve the
accuracy, speed, and overall efficiency of their
inventory control, receiving, picking and placing,
and other logistics management processes.
Confirm that your
mobile solution’s
framework is flexib
le, but stable;
future-proof but sc
alable, starting wit
the computing dev
ice’s lifecycle ...
®Build a team of manufacturing
and supply chain experts.
Not just mobile technology providers.
Do you have the right support team in place to not only deploy an
effective mobility solution, but continuously optimize its capabilities
to sustain its performance over time?
Let’s Find Out...
Are you confident your mobile solution provider is actually
solving your greatest business challenges effectively today?
Will they still in the future?
If it feels like the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Augmented Reality, Big Data and
other digital platforms create apocalyptic-like changes, then you don’t have the right
PC platform - or partner - in place today.
Is your technology provider serving your best interests with
their solution recommendations?
If their products are usually a generation behind and a price ahead, then no.
If they’re flexible, agile and willing to go out of their way to minimize change for your
end-users, then yes.*
* Also be sure their product roadmap aligns with yours. Confirm they’ll be able to deliver additional
product/units during your planned solution lifecycle if needed for expansion or replacement.
Are you confident your solutions provider understands the unique
technology architectures, challenges and risks of your unique
environment? Or do they just sell a fully-integrated bundle?
It may seem simpler to have a single go-to-source for all your tech needs, but are they a
trustworthy partner that will have your back when you need expert assistance to resolve
unexpected challenges? Or just another tech vendor that drops parts off at your door?
Be sure you have access to team of experts – the best in their fields – who not only
specialize in manufacturing and logistics mobility, but technology integration on all levels.
®Consider the TCO and the long-term
ROI of your entire mobility/IT solution.
Time to decide
on a solution
Time to implement just
one component and/or
entire solution
Time to refine (if bundled)
every time new workflow
capability is required
Time to correct errors/
failures (either from
inefficient methods,
fragmented system...)
Costs of frequent device
failures and replacement
Costs to address software
incompatibilities or lost
efficiencies due to inability
to run the right software
Business lost due to
quality issues, supply chain
inefficiencies, inability to
meet production deadlines
or keep pace with rising
Inventory cost overruns
or lack of materials due to
insufficient planning/timing
Cost of data input errors,
lost data, or insufficient
data to make effective
Do you understand the true value of assembling a
best-in-class mobile solution?
Some say it takes more time, money, and manpower to unbundle successfully. But that’s not true. It can
actually save you more time, money, and manpower from day one because you’ll have both best-in-class
technologies and best-in-field experts at your disposal – together working in YOUR best interest.
Mobility is meant to eliminate downtime. Not create it.
Complete security control
and easy accessibility for
remote MDM/EMM
®How well is your current mobile solution
adapting to your changing environment?
Market conditions, production schedules, maintenance requirements, and inventory levels,
all change frequently. What you need today is not the same as yesterday, or last year. But
you can deploy a solution today that will be ready for whatever may come tomorrow.
So, ask yourself one last time:
Has your current mobility solution performed when you need it to, how you need it to, in the midst
of ever changing data processing and communications expectations?
Can your current mobile computing platform – and solutions provider – easily accommodate your
unique interoperability demands with past, present, and future technology system architectures?
Can your current mobile PC platform run all the software you need it to, including apps built in-house?
Are you supporting your highly skilled “Information Workers” with a single high quality, highly
versatile, multi-function mobile computer that can be used for every workflow inside and outside
the four walls?
If you answered no to any one of these questions,
then say YES to a consult with Xplore.
Call Xplore today: US 1 (512) 336-7797 | Australia 1300 654 978 | Outside Australia +61 2 9634 4022
®Why it is so important to custom-assemble
a best-in-class mobility solution:
You need a mobile computing platform
that can tolerate the constant change
anticipated with Industry 4.0 as you
transition from traditional to digital
supply chain structures.
You also need a platform, and partner, that
can facilitate operational adjustments,
without forcing you to make unnecessary
changes to your entire technology
structure that result in wasteful hardware
and software spend.
Bundled solutions may have been sufficient in the past, but
they will fail to help you succeed in the future.
That’s why manufacturers and their supply chain partners increasingly turn to Xplore for help.
They need a rugged tablet-based solution that…
Keeps pace with fast industrial technology advancement.
Has been proven to keep workers happy and productive
throughout the multiple jobs they perform in support of
plant/factory operations, maintenance and repair (MRO),
and logistics, no matter how harsh manufacturing and
warehousing/distribution environments can be every day.
Are ready today to interop with whatever supplementary
or complementary operational technologies they may
want to bring online tomorrow, including Windows 10,
more expansive automation, and IoT.
Provides them with the safety, security, and stability
needed to confidently mobilize the digital information
systems – and information workforce – that define IIoT/
Industry 4.0 while protecting their entire IT investment
for years to come.
Learn more about how
Xplore can help you
prepare for the future today.
And Xplore goes out of its way to
deliver on every requirement, every time.
How to Formulate the Best-Fitting Mobility Solution for Your Manufacturing Environment
Change is scary. But it's also constant. Market conditions, production schedules, maintenance requirements, and inventory levels, all change frequently. What you need today is not the same as yesterday, or last year. But you can deploy a solution today that will be ready for whatever may come tomorrow.
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