Fall River, MA - A line of Type 27 cotton-fiber abrasive grinding and blending wheels that provide smooth controlled grinding action, run cool, and are non-loading on aluminum is available from Rex-Cut Abrasives. Rex-Cut® Type 27 Cotton Fiber Grinding Wheels feature multiple layers of cotton fiber that are impregnated with aluminum oxide abrasive grains and then pressed and bonded together. Ideally suited for blending and finishing aluminum in one-step, they provide smooth controlled grinding action, run cool, are non-loading, and eliminate the need for waxes and lubricants. Constantly revealing fresh abrasives as they work, Rex-Cut Type 27 Cotton Fiber Grinding Wheels for aluminum incorporate a GFX synthetic latex bond and come in 36- and 54-grit versions. Sizes offered include 4”, 4-1/4”, 5”, 7”, and 9” dia., in 1/8”, 3/16”, and 1/4” thicknesses; available with or without 5/8-11 throw away adapters.
For more information, please visit www.rexcut.com.