Low Pressure Boiler Textbook Revised And In Fourth Edition

The fourth edition of Low Pressure Boilers provides the latest information on safe and efficient operation of low pressure boilers and related equipment. The content and format of the textbook are designed for use in preparation for obtaining a boiler operator’s license or upgrading skills.

Orland Park, IL — American Technical Publishers introduces the revision of Low Pressure Boilers. The fourth edition provides the latest information on safe and efficient operation of low pressure boilers and related equipment. The content and format of the textbook are designed for use in preparation for obtaining a boiler operator’s license or upgrading skills. All aspects of low pressure boilers are discussed and illustrated in great detail. New topics addressed in this edition include steam and hot water boilers and refrigeration/chiller systems. The textbook is divided into 12 chapters and includes an appendix, a glossary, and an index. Key Points are placed in each chapter following major subject areas to summarize key content areas covered. Tech Facts throughout the textbook relate to boiler operation. Sizzle photos from recognized manufacturers are also included throughout the chapters. The Low Pressure Boilers CD-ROM, included with the textbook, features interactive resources for independent study to enhance learning. Digital resources on the CD-ROM include Quick Quizzes® that provide an interactive review of key topics covered in each chapter. An Illustrated Glossary references textbook definitions with select terms linked to illustrations and media clips that augment the definition provided. Flash Cards provide a review of terms and definitions related to boiler operation. Sample Licensing Exams have been updated, featuring four 25-question exams that provide practice in preparation for a boiler operation licensing examination. Master Math® Applications provides a review of simple mathematics for low pressure boiler operators who may wish for additional study of math principles. Media Clips provide a convenient link to selected video clips that depict topics covered in the textbook.

For more information, please visit www.go2atp.com.


