The New ABC’s Of Selling

The phrase 'Always-Be-Closing' has been around for decades. However, selling in today's world is more than just closing. Paul Reilly explains.

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Always-Be-Closing. This phrase has been around for a while and popularized by Alec Baldwin in the 1992 film Glengarry Glen Ross. However, selling in today’s world is different. Selling is more than just closing.

In today’s selling environment, multiple individuals influence a decision. Salespeople routinely meet with four and five decision makers in one account. Research from the Corporate Executive Board found the average number of decision makers in B2B decisions is 5.4. Given the number of decision makers, the new ABC’s of selling must be Always-Be-Collaborating.

Collaborating is a challenge because organizations have silos. Silos happen when departments or individuals view themselves as separate (isolated) from the rest of the organization. According to the American Management Association, 83 percent of executives say they have silos. Silos influence decision making. Silos cause decision makers to think in terms of departmental objectives versus overall company goals.

Today’s salespeople need to be silo-busters. They must break down walls that separate functional areas. They must get people talking and interacting. Today’s salespeople must unite multiple decision makers with a common goal.

Few things unite a group like a common goal. The greatest teams in sports, classroom, or theatre work toward a common goal. A common goal unifies. It encourages people to work together.

Salespeople establish a common goal with multiple decision makers by solving shared problems, creating a new opportunities, or changing the status quo. Whatever the goal, individuals will work together to accomplish it. A common goal inspires a team of individuals to unite their effort.

Collaboration is the key to selling with multiple decision makers. Collaboration is the key to surviving in today’s selling environment. Consider the following quote from Charles Darwin, “In the long history of humankind those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.”

How will you collaborate and prevail?

Paul Reilly, President of Reilly Sales TrainingPaul Reilly, President of Reilly Sales Training

Paul Reilly is president of Reilly Sales Training. a St. Louis-based, privately-owned company that specializes in training sales professionals, sales managers, and service professionals. Reilly Sales Training offers public seminars, in-house sales training programs, and hiring and training assessments. For additional information on training programs, call or e-mail Paul at 636-778-0175 or [email protected]. You can also and sign up for his free newsletter.

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