CLEVELAND, Ohio — The Precision Metalforming Association announced the addition of 10 lubrication technology courses to its online training platform, METALFORM EDU.
Lubricants are critical to the operation and performance of metalforming machines, and until now, were only a small portion of the METALFORM EDU course offerings. The 10 new courses now available in the lubrication technology module are dedicated to metalforming lubricants, application, safety, and troubleshooting.
PMA member subject-matter experts partnered with PMA’s technical training and workforce development staff to create the new lubrication content, spending dozens of hours over the last few months developing the courses. PMA thanks these members for their time, expertise and dedication: Bob Anderson of Tower Metalworking Fluids, Brian Hanz of AMEPA America, John Hoff of Impact Fluids, and Jennifer Lunn of Fuchs Lubricants Company.
The new lubrication technology courses bring the total PMA-specific courses in METALFORM EDU to more than 60. In addition to lubrication, courses are available on die protection and lockout/tagout, as well as training for die setters, press brake operators, press shop operators, and more. The METALFORM EDU platform also includes more than 800 courses on a range of topics including precision measurement, blueprint reading, Six Sigma, lean manufacturing, safety, communications, math, and much more.
“PMA is excited to roll out the lubrication technology courses for the metalforming industry,” said Connie King, workforce development director. “PMA and our educational foundation’s investment in developing new training modules for METALFORM EDU reinforces our commitment to helping our members and industry train a high-caliber workforce. We look forward to continuing to expand the METALFORM EDU library with additional modules for key industry jobs and skill sets.”