Coming in 2017: The NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit

One joint meeting will reduce time out of the office and costs of both registration and travel for those companies that are members of NIBA and PTDA.

CHICAGO — The Boards of Directors of NIBA — The Belting Association and the Power Transmission Distributors Association (PTDA) are pleased to announce the NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit to be held in the fall of 2017.

The leaderships of both associations have dedicated much effort in designing a program that will continue to provide the exceptional experience already enjoyed at each organization’s current annual meeting as well as bring enhanced benefits that are only possible through a joint conference. With the NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit, members of both associations can look forward to: 

  • Enriched networking opportunities

NIBA and PTDA have been in existence for many years and have strong membership attendance at the annual meetings. A joint meeting will offer members more opportunities to connect with new people who have new ideas to share.

  • Enhanced educational content

Securing top caliber speakers with relevant content, providing takeaway value for all attendees at all management levels, is possible because of the combined budgets and volunteer expertise of both associations. 

  • Minimized conflicts and reduced multiple meeting attendance costs for shared members

One joint meeting will reduce time out of the office and costs (both registration and travel) for those companies that are members of NIBA and PTDA.

PTDA President Ken Miko, Director of Category Management and Strategic Accounts for BDI (Cleveland, Ohio), believes the NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit will bring membership innovative new ideas. Miko notes, “We set out to create an event that is truly a joint event — that is, maximizing the opportunities for members of both associations to meet and discuss their businesses.”

NIBA President Tom Wujek, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Flexco (Downers Grove, Illinois), agrees. “We took the best practices from each organization’s annual meeting and crafted a conference that elevates networking and education to a whole new level,” says Wujek.

The NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit will:

  • Focus on getting business done. Both associations pride themselves on hosting an annual meeting where the business of product-specific industrial distribution is the reason for attending.  The compact schedule will offer opportunities for discussing business in both formal and informal settings.
  • Increase the efficiency of doing business. One of the top advantages in attending the current NIBA Annual Convention and PTDA Industry Summit is the ability to meet with distributors and manufacturers in one location. With the combined attendance of both associations’ members, the NIBA/PTDA Joint Industry Summit amplifies this advantage by bringing more potential partners together.
  • Combine the product focus of the NIBA Convention Expo with the management meetings of PTDA’s Manufacturer-Distributor Idea Exchange (MD-IDEX). Participants from every level of a member company’s management team — from the CEO to the branch manager — will derive value from this new hybrid experience.
  • Offer each association a chance to highlight the programs and services developed to improve members’ business processes, training programs and business development initiatives.

A joint planning committee consisting of members from both associations — supported by the staff of each association — will be appointed to design the event. 

The Power Transmission Distributors Association (PTDA) is the leading global association for the industrial power transmission/motion control (PT/MC) distribution channel. Headquartered in Chicago, PTDA represents power transmission/motion control distribution firms that generate more than $16 billion in sales and span over 3,400 locations. PTDA members also include manufacturers that supply the PT/MC industry.

PTDA is dedicated to providing exceptional networking, targeted education, relevant information and leading-edge business tools to help distributors and manufacturers meet marketplace demands competitively and profitably. For more information, call +1.312.516.2100, visit or follow @PTDAorg.

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