Does Maturity Really Matter In Leadership?

Maturity does not always mean you are of a certain age. Most people view someone that not only is mature but also has a position. Here are four tips on how maturity does matter regardless of your age in being a leader.

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Maturity is usually relegated to those individuals who are considered wise and sage. Maturity does not always mean you are of a certain age. Most people view someone that not only is mature but also has a position.

Leadership expert John Maxwell relates, "Leadership is a process, not a position." Here are four tips on how maturity does matter regardless of your age in being a leader.


As a leader, you are responsible for making sure that you take ownership of how you help grow people around you. Part of being a mature leader is that you understand the importance of leaving a legacy.

As soon as you become a leader, this is your opportunity to begin the process of developing the next leader to take your place.

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Maturity is not standing up to say, "Look at me." It is about the way you look at others and your attitude toward all within the organization.

Being committed is one of the toughest challenges a leader will have. Commitment is not a lofty goal, but as Maxwell says, "The attitude of a leader affects the atmosphere of the office." Your attitude in dealing with each individual will make or break you as a true leader.


Humility is the key to true inspiration. As a leader, it is how you serve others, and adding value to each person. Giving others a chance to grow and achieve, not only helps them but also the organization.

Inspiration goes beyond looking at a day-to-day agenda. Your agenda should be how to help the people in the organization shine. Being a leader is being both an investment in yourself, as well as others.


It is more important for a leader to be respected than liked. Respect is your character, the inner person. If you are true to each individual, then others will be true to you. Ultimately, you will garner the respect you deserve.

Leaders pay attention to the people in their organization. This will enable the leader to help further both the individual and the organization.

Finally, some good advice from Maxwell on maturity: "Mature leaders listen, learn and then lead. They listen to their people's stories ... they learn about their people ... and then they lead based upon what they've learned."


Betty Boyd was an acquisition manager, IT manager and project manager during her 30-year career in the federal government. Boyd is a certified as a Level III Contracting professional, and she has a master's level certificate in project management from the National Defense University.

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