Epicor Prophet 21 CRM
In order to succeed in today’s fast-paced business world, providing customers with excellent
personal service is a must. Today, many distributors are turning to Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) tools to help their business recognize and provide customers with the
attention they deserve. Epicor Prophet 21 CRM tools allow you to quickly and efficiently
manage prospects, customers, and contacts—from opportunity, to quote, to order—so you
can streamline your day-to-day processes and improve customer service.
Four-part approach
Epicor takes a four-part approach to CRM. The first is sales force automation that provides
your sales representatives with lead generation tools to manage their pipeline and up-sell
to customers. You can track lead/sales progress by defining opportunities and reporting on
your sales reps’ pipelines.
The second part of CRM includes marketing capabilities. These tools allow you to fax and
email from the solution, produce lead generation call lists, and manage call center activity—
enabling you to increase your customer base at a minimal cost.
The third part of the Prophet 21 CRM approach is contact management. This goes beyond
maintaining customer addresses and phone numbers to actually tracking customers’ buying
habits so you can anticipate their needs.
Finally, CRM includes customer and territory management tools. These easy-to-use, intuitive
tools allow sales representatives to identify customers whose sales are up or down. With
a single click, they can drill down to a 360-degree view of the customer and have all the
information they need to make contact.
Information at your fingertips
CRM capabilities within Prophet 21 surpass basic customer information such as name, job
title, address, company size, industry, purchasing history, etc. It even includes shipping
preferences, personal information, and any other pertinent notes. In the past, this
information was kept in a date book, Rolodex, or even a salesperson’s head and was mainly
used to ensure good communications with customers. With Prophet 21 CRM functionality,
you can continue to provide this personalized service—regardless of which employee is
interacting with the customer.
Prophet 21 CRM functionality is fully integrated to give you the ability to enter and
access information seamlessly. The Customer Master Inquiry (CMI) allows you to view all
information about a customer from one place. This consolidates information spread over
several inquiry menu options. It provides a 360-degree view of the entire customer—
including contacts, open order, invoice, sales history, credit status, opportunities, and more.
You can even track opportunities for customers or prospects—allowing you to define the
size of opportunities, estimated close date, and stage. You can even provide your sales team
with the ability to track all the activities leading to the sale—including the ability to generate
a sales pipeline.
Because Prophet 21 CRM functionality is fully integrated, you eliminate the need to maintain
separate databases and learn multiple software programs. Additionally, because this
X Epicor® Prophet® 21
X Prophet 21 Mobile Sales
X Improve customer service and
increase sales
X Access information quickly
and efficiently
X Generate a 360-degree view of
the customer
X Drill into important customer data
X Service customer accounts with your
mobile device
Epicor Prophet 21 CRM
on each of your customers. You can use this
information to measure the activities of your
sales force by determining the revenue they
generate per visit, if they spend their time
where the money is, if they are developing
new accounts, etc. What you uncover can
help your sales people increase
their effectiveness.
The Sales Management Inquiry allows your
sales representatives to see their pipelines
and drill into all information related to
opportunities. This inquiry can also be used
by sales managers to see information related
to multiple sales reps or to a location or a
territory broken out by stages. The user will
be able to drill into this information, but
access is restricted according to your sales
hierarchy—meaning reps only see their own
information, and managers only see the
information for the people they supervise.
functionality is inherent within the
solution, you no longer have to set up
separate security measures. This creates
fewer problems for your workforce and
allows your system administrator to
focus on more relevant issues.
Covering all the bases
Prophet 21 CRM functionality also
includes alerts to remind you of
impending tasks. When you log in to
Prophet 21, you receive a list of your
upcoming tasks. As you work with
customers, you can create and assign
future activities for follow up. At any
time, you can check the status of a
task or create a new one—regardless
of where you are in the solution. In
addition, when a quote or contact is
entered, a window requiring you to
add a task to follow up automatically
opens—ensuring that you never forget
a customer or prospect.
Prophet 21 tracks and records activities,
so you have a complete contact history
About Epicor
Epicor Software Corporation drives business growth. We provide flexible, industry-specific software designed to fit the precise needs of our
manufacturing, distribution, retail, and service industry customers. More than 45 years of experience with our customers’ unique business
processes and operational requirements are built into every solution—in the cloud or on premises. With this deep understanding of your
industry, Epicor solutions dramatically improve performance and profitability while easing complexity so you can focus on growth. For more
information, connect with Epicor or visit www.epicor.com.
Contact us today [email protected] www.epicor.com
The contents of this document are for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Epicor Software Corporation makes no guarantee, representations, or warranties with regard to the
enclosed information and specifically disclaims, to the full extent of the law, any applicable implied warranties, such as fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, satisfactory quality, or reasonable skill and
care. This document and its contents, including the viewpoints, dates, and functional content expressed herein are believed to be accurate as of its date of publication, September 2018. The results represented
in this testimonial may be unique to the particular user as each user’s experience will vary. The usage of any Epicor software shall be pursuant to the applicable end user license agreement, and the performance
of any consulting services by Epicor personnel shall be pursuant to applicable standard services terms and conditions. Usage of the solution(s) described in this document with other Epicor software or third-
party products may require the purchase of licenses for such other products. Epicor, Prophet 21, and the Epicor logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Epicor Software Corporation in the United
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States, certain other countries and/or the EU. Android is trademark of Google LLC in the United States, certain other countries and/or the EU. All other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective
owners. Copyright © 2018 Epicor Software Corporation. All rights reserved.
Epicor Prophet 21 CRM
Inquiry windows, you have the ability
to sort—making it easy to find the
customers with the largest sales increase
or sales decline.
Mobility when you need it
Prophet 21 Mobile Sales is a browser-based
application that works on tablets and other
mobile devices. Improve sales productivity
by giving account visibility to your field sales
team and remote staff wherever they have
an Internet connection. Employees in the
field will be able to view, create, and edit
account information to quickly understand
the current state of their customers’
account. Using Mobile Sales for Prophet 21,
sales personnel can better accommodate
both their customers and their sales
managers. Detailed customer overviews
are easily visible in this application to better
predict the sales pipeline and support
bid analysis. The Prophet 21 Mobile Sales
application is technology independent and
works on Apple®, Microsoft®, or Android™
platforms without need of updates from any
app store.
Learn more about how Epicor Prophet 21
can help you grow your distribution business
by contacting Epicor today.
The Sales Master Inquiry allows your
sales representatives to manage their
territories—allowing them to quickly
determine which customers’ sales are
up or which are down. Easy-to-use
filters are provided to help reps identify
customers who haven’t placed orders
in a given time period, who have
only bought once, or have a missed
buy (require Customer Buying Trend
Analysis). More than 20 different
customer-specific metrics
are provided.
As you view the results, you can use
right mouse button options to save the
customer drill to the Customer Master
Inquiry or save a list of contacts to a
marketing campaign. As with other