Like three-quarters of your peers, you’re probably using, or plan to use, mobile technology to boost the performance of your manufacturing and supply chain processes. After all, you’ve been promised that, if you just deploy more mobile devices, you will have the real-time operational visibility and around-the-clock information accessibility required to effectively respond to fluctuating market conditions, increasing competition, and evolving customer demands.
But, what you may not have been told is that single-vendor bundled mobility solutions – the ones that are prepackaged with “highly compatible” hardware, software, accessory, and security components – will quickly fail to meet your cost, performance, and longevity expectations. They’re not compatible with future technology platforms and, therefore, not adaptive to the changes that will occur within your factories and warehouses as you bring IIoT, automation, RFID sensors and other data systems online. Xplore and Barcoding, Inc.* want to help you find the underlying cause of today’s biggest mobile “tech traps”.
You will walk away fully equipped with the resources you need to assemble a mobility solution that is compatible with your back-office IT architecture, your shop floor machines and your budget.
Not only will we provide a clear-cut process for designing a workable mobility solution that meets “best-in-class” standards, but we will discuss:
- How to define your solution criteria based on the business challenges compelling your project.
- How to analyze business processes, improve productivity and remove waste with mobility.
- How to build a team of manufacturing and supply chain experts. Not just mobile tech providers.
- How to calculate the TCO and the long-term ROI of your entire mobility/IT solution.