OSHA Unveils Top 10 Violations of 2018

This week, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration announced its annual preliminary list of the top 10 most frequently-cited workplace safety violations.

This week, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced its annual preliminary list of the top 10 most frequently-cited workplace safety violations. Patrick Kapust, deputy director of OSHA’s Directorate of Enforcement Programs, presented the Top 10 to a standing-room-only crowd as part of the 2018 NSC Congress & Expo.

Once again, Fall Protection remained No. 1 on the list that varies little year-to-year. However, violation No. 10 on this year’s list, “Eye and Face Protection” (1926.102), was not on the 2017 list.

“Knowing how workers are hurt can go a long way toward keeping them safe,” said National Safety Council President and CEO Deborah A.P. Hersman. “The OSHA Top 10 list calls out areas that require increased vigilance to ensure everyone goes home safely each day.”

Electrical – wiring methods (No. 10 in 2017) was knocked off the list in this year’s preliminary numbers. Taking its place is Eye and Face Protection with 1,536 citations.

Topping the list once again were Fall Protection violations, responsible for 7,270 citations (up from 6,072 in 2017) during NSC's fiscal year 2018, with preliminary figures as of Oct. 1.

OSHA's Top 10 Workplace Violations of 2018

10. Eye and Face Protection        (1,536 citations)

9. Machine Guarding         (1,972 citations)

8. Fall Protection – Training Requirements        (1,982 citations)

7. Powered Industrial Trucks        (2,294 citations)

6. Ladders    (2,812 citations)

5. Lockout/Tagout   (2,944 citations)

4. Respiratory Protection   (3,118 citations)

3. Scaffolding         (3,336 citations)

2. Hazard Communication (4,552 citations)

1. Fall Protection – General Requirements        (7,270 citations)

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