ISA Members See Market Expansion

However, the Manufacturer and Distributor Indexes moved in opposite directions for the fourth straight month.

The September ISA Economic Indicator Report (EIR) from the Industrial Supply Association shows continued market expansion for distributors and manufacturers. However, the Manufacturer and Distributor Indexes moved in opposite directions for the fourth straight month.

β€œThe ISA Manufacturer Index fell from 61.8 percent in July to 59.0 percent in August, while the Distributor Index increased from 63.6 percent in July to 65.1 percent,” said Bryon Shafer, general manager of ASG Industrial and chair of ISA’s Strategic Information Committee.

For each index, a reading above 50 percent indicates expansion, while a reading below 50 percent indicates contraction. The Indexes have been above 50 percent since December 2012.

β€œBoth distributors and manufacturers expect business conditions to remain strong as we head into the fall months,” Shafer said. 

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