THE BIG 50 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY: Industrial Distribution’s September/October print issue will feature our annual Big 50 list. The Big 50 List recognizes North America’s 50 largest distributors of industrial products and ranks them in order of revenue. Honorees are recognized for their commitment to excellence year after year.

In addition to the print coverage, we are also producing a special three-part video presentation (2019 #1, #2, #3) where our editorial staff - Anna Wells and Mike Hockett - countdown the 2020 Big 50 List and offer their own insights. Videos will run in our Today In Distribution daily newsletter on 9/29, 9/30 & 10/1 and all three will run in our weekly ID Video Showcase on 10/8.

This year, we will also run The Big 50 COVID-19 update. COVID-19 threw distributors a curve ball this year, disrupting everything from sales and staffing to margins and supply chains. Our November/December issue takes a deeper look at the impact the pandemic has had on Big 50 companies, and what they expect for the coming year. In addition to the The BIG 50 List, regular features will also be included such as ID In-Depth, Tech Talk and a spotlight on PPE products.

GOLD SPONSOR (1 of 5 Gold or Silver Sponsors)
• One 10-second commercial to play in once in video series

Company logo will appear throughout 3-part video presentation

Company logo on select marketing materials
Full Page Ad to appear in print in the "The Big 50" countdown and in Nov/Dec COVID-19 update
Rate: $16,995 net

SILVER SPONSOR (1 of 5 Gold or Silver Sponsors)
• Company logo on select marketing materials
• Company logo will appear throughout 3-part video presentation
• Cost is $3,995 net  


Contact your sales rep for more details.

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