March 31 Webinar: Transitioning Your Distribution Business to an Online World

Join us for this free, educational webinar, where our panel of experts will discuss: Ways distributors are currently utilizing technology and supplier partners to improve their online presence; How e-commerce has changed the training and function of customer service and salespeople; And the top considerations that should go into developing e-commerce functionality, based on the latest online and customer trends.


Tuesday, March 31, 2015 
11:00 a.m. ET / 8:00 a.m. PT

As online procurement becomes more and more convenient for industrial customers, distributors are finding a web presence is increasingly becoming a must-have. In this educational webinar, our panel of experts will discuss:

  • Ways distributors are currently utilizing technology and supplier partners to improve their online presence.
  • How e-commerce has changed the training and function of customer service and salespeople.
  • The top considerations that should go into developing e-commerce functionality, based on the latest online and customer trends.

See the panel and register here.