Air Filtration System Can Process 1 Million Cubic Feet of Air Per Hour

Includes possible savings of 20% to 40% off heating costs in winter months.

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Ideal Warehouse Innovations

Ideal Warehouse Innovations (Toronto, Canada) announced the AtomikAir air filtration system.

The AtomikAir is one of a family of new AQC products in the Ideal Warehouse Innovations lineup.

Features include:

  • Ability to process up to 1 million cubic feet of air per hour
  • MERV13 filters that capture particles as small as 0.3 microns, including mold, pollutants, viruses and more
  • Powerful circulation fans help destratification of energy-rich warm air trapped at the ceiling
  • Possible savings of 20% to 40% off heating costs in winter months

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