Ejectors With Air-Saving Function

When thinking about ways to reduce energy costs, electricity and heat immediately come to mind. The element of compressed air however, has considerable savings potential as well.


Up to 97% Reduction of Compressed Air Consumption

Cary, NC - FIPA ejectors save energy without compromising cycle times. Thanks to the integrated pressure regulation of this new product, consumption of compressed air and energy can be significantly reduced. When thinking about ways to reduce energy costs, electricity and heat immediately come to mind. The element of compressed air however, has considerable savings potential as well. FIPA’s EKPP, EKP, and EMM Series Ejectors can make a substantial impact here. Equipped with automatic pressure regulation, they reduce compressed air usage by up to 50% per work piece, regardless of its porosity. In addition, the EMA and EKP-LSE Series Ejectors can achieve savings of up to 97%, for airtight work pieces, thanks to the electronic air-saving function. Industrial compressed air systems typically operate at around 58 to 116 psi. All FIPA ejectors use 50.8 psi internally, reaching the maximum vacuum level at a feed pressure of 58 psi. To save energy, higher feed pressure is automatically reduced to 58 psi internally. Because of that the ejector never uses more than 50.8 psi regardless of the actual feed pressure. Although comparable solutions using multi-chamber ejectors reduce air consumption as well, they suffer from a system-induced higher evacuation time. In other words, it takes longer for the vacuum to build up – resulting in increased cycle times and decreased efficiencies. In an application that involves the handling of wooden panels, annual savings of around 23% can already be achieved at a feed pressure of 72.5 psi, using an EKP series ejector with a nozzle diameter of 1.5 mm. Operating data applied in this case: 20 cycles per minute, 2-shift operation with 14-hour usage, 220 workdays, air consumption of 64.5 liters per minute.

FIPA Ejectors with Air-Saving Function at a Glance:
β€’ Up to 97% energy savings for airtight products due to a combination of pressure regulation to a 50.8 psi operating pressure and an electronic air-saving function.
β€’ Up to 50% savings even with porous products: Integrated pressure regulation reduces energy consumption even in products with higher leakage, such as cardboard.
β€’ Fast cycle times: Short evacuation times equals short cycles times, regardless of the porosity of the work pieces.
β€’ Up to 50% lighter than conventional solutions: Thanks to their integrated and compact design, FIPA ejectors with air-saving function weigh in at maximum 8.8 oz.
β€’ Noise-optimized, maintenance-free operation: Thanks to pressure regulation, the airflow at the outlet and hence the noise level is independent of the feed pressure. The open silencer operates without any blockages.

For more information, please visit www.FIPA.com.

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